So I’ve been back in NYC for over 2 months and haven’t been updating the blog at all, the reason for which will be explained shortly. Yesterday, my copy of the Poetry Project Newsletter came in the mail and it turns out there’s a little blurb about me and my trip and directing folks here to see what I’ve been up to. Guess I’d better get crackin’…
I’ve been up to just about but not quite absolutely nothing is what. I went from extreme momentum to extreme inertia in the matter of days after completing my trip and haven’t quite gotten up to normal speed yet. Or, if you’ll allow me to geek out for a paragraph or so… Of all the possible twists and turns in the upscale and kooky sci-fi world of Gene Rodenberry, the most stressful possible plot point of an episode of Star Trek, in any of the franchises, is that moment when there is some sort of transporter malfunction. I'm not talking about the kind of malfunction when the poor redshirt being transported ends up a pile of goo on the tranporter platform floor, I'm talking about the kind that usually results from alien interference, a temporal anomaly, a feedback loop, or any other deus ex machina where-in the transportee is stuck in mid transport, his or her molecules unable to coalesce back into solid form. This phenomenon is usually portrayed on screen in the transporter room. Onlookers gape in horror as the ghosts of their crewmates appear on the transporter platform but do not completely appear and are unable to be resolved into whole beings again. The transporter hiccup moment is a moment that occurs at least once I think in each of the franchises and I've just recently realized, are moments that disturb me on a very basic level. is a very stressful situation but is almost always resolved when the engineer performs some sort of "just in time" fine tuning but still...
Okay Poindexter, time to pull it together…which is what I’m doing. I’m pulling together a manuscript based on the trip and will hopefully get to showing it to folk w/in the next month or so.
Also, today’s the day I restart the blog. There’ll be regular entries and hey, we’re still about $1,500 bucks short of the cancer research goal. I really want to hit that goal by Novemeber. I’m also gonner start a bike portrait of the week entry. I’ve been thinking about how the personality of a bike exists even when and sometimes especially when it doesn’t have a rider. My neighborhood has its share of bikes locked up and I’ve been “taking portraits” of them. We’ll see. You’ll see. Everyone will see.