Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Seattle Images

Here's Nicholas. The newest addition to the Chris and Maureen's household. He's an Aries, likes long walks on the beach and if the other day was any indication, Godzilla movies. I gave him a primer on how the big lizard's radioactive breath turned against him in the lovely 2002 masterpiece Tokyo S.O.S. Godzilla vs. Baragon, Mothra, and King Ghidora. He seemed to get the idea, even if he was asleep. Nick is pictured here in the magic, bouncy, vibra chair. If this thing were available to adults, I believe society as we know it would collapse. We'd all be asleep.

This hangs above my bed. No. I don't have nightmares about it. I'm not sure if that is a good thing.

A picture of Mount Rainier. It was a beautiful day in Seattle. The mountain was, as they say, "out."

An obligatory Seattle picture. The girl who took the photo for me wouldn't stop until she felt she got it right. She got it right, I guess, except the top of the Space Needle is missing.

Nick and me. Two baldies chillaxing on the couch. Do note the trucker onesie. Rad!

Fight the power...against bedtime. Note skeleton leg warmers. They make leg warmers for wee ones!

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