Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Best Sci-Fi Album Covers, Part 5

Boston Boston1976

Continuing the theme of planetary destruction…I love this album cover. I love it. You love it. How could anyone not love this album cover. Here are some interesting questions the cover present. First of all: how AWESOME are the guitar shaped starships? Look at them closely. Forget the fact that they're shaped like guitars. Each ship carries an entire city beneath some sort of transparent bio domes. These things are enormous. I'd like to see one of them on that Starship Dimensions web site. In fact, I wrote the folks at Starship Dimensions to see if I could get some measurements. I haven't heard back from them yet. The flame-like material emanating from the guitarship's soundhole is, I think, a corporeal manifestation of ROCK exhaust. And there's a whole frickin' fleet of them (on the best image I could find I counted 10)…leaving a planet that is doing a fair impersonation of Krypton. I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that this is not the planet of origin for Boston. Seriously. If you were fleeing a doomed planet, you probably wouldn't have the time to build such classy city arks like these masterpieces No. I think Boston came to this planet and ROCKED it into tiny little pieces before moving on. Depending on your perspective then, Boston is not a particularly benevolent force in the galaxy.

Update: Here's some computer animation of the Boston Guitarship in action. I think it is pretty cool but don't think the scale is quite correct.

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